Friday, April 06, 2007

Here Comes the Sun

Now and then around this time of year here in Oregon, we get the perfect spring day: Sunny, warm, not too hot, a little breeze blowing, and you just want to go outside and soak it all up.

Interesting that on such days, people seem to develop sudden, if short, illnesses. (At least if you judge by the number of people who call into work sick ...)

Yesterday was one of those days, and today is going to be another one. Probably will rain Saturday and Sunday, but that's then. Today is one to take the dogs for a long walk and revel in the promise of spring. After the cold and gray and damp of the winter, the flowers are blooming and the cycle of rebirth has cranked up at least one more time -- something for which to be thankful, even if the pollen from the trees and weeds makes you sneeze.

As icing on the cake the newest grandson, Nate, has just learned how to crawl. So all five of the boys are now mobile.

Later. I be going outside now ...

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