Sunday, March 04, 2007

Old Hippie Flashback

Like many of my generation, my memories of the 60's are somewhat less than, um, perfect. The time is framed by a Peter Max psychedelic rainbow -- green microdot, orange sunshine, purple haze, all viewed through a distorted windowpane ...

Now and then, however, something roils the old memory pond, stirs the sludge and bottom muck, and some long-lost recollection rises and bobs to the surface.

Had one of those yesterday. I saw a bumper sticker, the match of which I haven't seen for forty years. That antique one was probably on the back of a beat-up VW bus. The new one was on the back of a new Volvo station wagon:

Gas, cash, or ass -- nobody rides for free ...

Lord, Lord. Like the Henley song about a Dead Head Sticker on the back of a Cadillac. Who could have seen that coming?

The Age of Aquarius tripped and fell on its way here, and once again we have a stupid war spending lives and money. Things have changed so much -- and then again, not at all ...

Peace: Wouldn't that be great?

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