Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Tomorrow morning, Thursday, bright and early, a friend of mine in L.A. is going in to have half his brain rewired. (He had the first half done a couple years back, and now he'll really set off the metal detectors ...)

It's mostly probes and stuff -- head gets locked into a vise that is screwed into the skull and that is latched to a frame on a table so nobody moves. There are long needles and electrodes and all like that, but they don't have to cut away half the brain case or anything. Still, it's not a walk in the park.

If you have any spare spiritual energy laying around, I would appreciate it if you'd direct some it toward L.A. tomorrow. Prayers, pleasant thoughts, white light, all are welcome. Some for the doctors, and some for geology -- we don't want an earthquake while he's on the table.

Oh, and I have to mention this: The neurosurgeon's name? And I swear this is true, is Igor ...



  1. Steve-
    I will be sending those vibes to the LA area for you. I have a few to spare.
    But I have to ask, how's Igor pronounced?
    Take care,

  2. Just like Dr. Frankenstein pronounces his assistant's name: Ee-gore ...

    They did the Monster Mash ...

  3. eh, well if you believe Terry Pratchett, your friend couldn't be in better hands than an Igor. (Prayers on the way.)

  4. Steve, could you send me something about how the brain is "rewired"? I have never heard of this kind of thing before.

    The Angels watch over your friend.

  5. We have a prayer or two on hand and will be glad to send it in that direction

  6. Thanks for all the love, folks. While things didn't go as quickly as they did the first time, apparently they did go smoothly. My buddy will be going home from the hospital this afternoon or tomorrow morning. They'll wait a week before they turn the new implant on, and then there is some adjusting of the signal to be done, after that, he's done, should be fit as a fiddle.
