Monday, March 05, 2007

Busy Days

In the natural cycle of my life, there are times when things roll along at a nice pace, other times when they get slow, and still other times when they start moving like a house afire.

Of late, the times is suddenly busy ...

Work -- never rains but it pours, all of a moment I have galleys, outlines, short stories, novels, all needing to be written right now. With family stuff, there are the kids, grandkids, my wife has a bad cold and just got back from Louisiana. We are setting up a memorial service for my mother-in-law, and selecting a gravesite. We have major housecleaning to do, a lot of junk that just has to go away. We are looking at buying a new car. There are things like silat, dogs, guitar, working out, and other time-fillers, and not enough time in the day to get to them all.

The wheel will turn again, given my experience, but until it does, I'm going to be hopping ...

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