Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Keeping Your Fingers Supple - fingertip roll

For some reason, YouTube decided to repeat the sequence at twice normal speed at the end, dunno why. Would that I could do it that fast -- I'd be working the crowds at Vegas ...

1 comment:

  1. When I was a youngster, I saw somebody do the outside knuckle roll with a half-dollar, and I thought it was so cool I wanted to learn how to do it. But I couldn't find any books showing it, didn't know anybody who knew how, and I mis-remembered it, so I started trying to do it on the inside fingertips. This is somewhat more difficult a manipulation, as it turns out, and while there surely must be other people who do it, I've never seen any of 'em. Ones I've seen, they do the inside roll at the base of the fingers next to the palm.

    I got the fingertip roll down, mostly, while sitting in a lifeguard chair at the country club pool where I worked summers as a teenager. Since it is a thing of feel, I could do it while watching the swimmers. Though I did drop the half-dollar into the pool more than a few times ...
