Thursday, February 08, 2007


So last night I want to First Wednesday, in Forest Grove, as part of the Author Autographing. This a monthly gathering designed to draw customers to the downtown area.

The big draw was Jean Auel, but I had a few folks drop by with books to sign. Jean was in the ice cream parlor, I was in the antique store, and I think the romance writer was in the spa.

As I was sitting there, being all writerly and smiling, I felt myself start to sink to port. The antique chair upon which I was perched just ... gave up the ghost, left front leg collapsed and snapped off at the seat.

Fortunately, it seemed to happen in slo-mo, so instead of being dumped unceremoniously onto the floor in view of the horrified passersby, I managed to catch myself in a squat-and-hop from which I stood to regard the mortally wounded furniture.

Oh, my. I hope that wasn't an expensive antique ... ?

I know that I'm a few pounds over my best fighting weight, but I guess I need to go on a diet.

Of course, after the shindig, a bunch of us went out to eat, good fried stuff and beer, so the diet had to wait until today ...

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