Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Yet Another Passage

Doreen Stamm Margolin, 1947-2007

Yesterday, Doreen Margolin passed away. She was diagnosed with cancer only a few weeks ago, but it was aggressive, and chemo failed. She and her husband Phil had two grown children and a new grandchild. Her family was with her when she died.

We were not close friends, but we liked her, my wife and I, and over the last three decades, we bumped into them from time to time -- dinners, literary events, weddings. Her daughter was married around Labor Day -- I wrote about the wedding, a joyous, wonderful ceremony. Doreen and Phil were as solid and loving a couple as we have ever known. She was fierce when it came to protecting her husband and family.

Doreen had a dry, clever wit, and she and I and Dianne shared a fondness for the politically-incorrect British comedy TV show Ab Fab. She was an attorney specializing in family law, who eventually went into practice with her husband, until he retired to write full-time, and she continued the practice on her own. She was on the board of directors for various associations, a pro tem judge, elected to, and chair of, the Portland Community College board.

This woman was class-act all the way. She was same age as I.

Services are at noon, Wednesday, January 10th, at Temple Beth Israel, in Portland, Oregon.

Folks, whatever your connections in this world, treasure those dear to you, because life is too short to do otherwise.

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