Friday, December 08, 2006

White Trash Christmas

So we decided to do a white trash Christmas this year, it's been a while.

Bought a fake white tree on sale at Rite-Aid -- see the previous post -- and for a grand investment of twenty-six bucks (which included three strings of lights), voila!

Turned out to look a lot better than we thought it would.

And then, there are the little dogs that make it too cute for words ...


  1. Why does the little dog have floppy ears?

  2. Corgis, lot a lot of dogs, are born with drop ears. As they get older, the ears come up, usually by 4-5 months in ths breed. Sometimes they stay down, and breeders will tape them up until they "set," since drop ears are a disqualification in the show ring.

    Not gonna happen here, though. They come up, good, if not, that's okay, too ...

  3. Adorable pics of your puppies! I dig the tree; that's fabulous.
    Sorry it was a hard holiday for family pooches (per other posts) hope your holiday was peaceful and relaxing with your loved ones.

