Thursday, December 28, 2006

One More Gun Thing ...

Gary Reeder's .500 Max Revolver

There's a story about the guy who moves to Alaska and who wants to go hiking, but is worried about the Kodiak bears. So he asks one of the locals what would be a good handgun to carry to protect himself. Would a .357 Magnum be enough? Or a .44 Magnum?

Well, the local says, it doesn't much matter which. Just be sure to file the front sight off flat and smooth.

Huh? Why should I do that?

Well, that way it won't hurt so bad when the bear takes it away from you and shoves it up your ass ...

Gunmaker Gary Reeder, who made the piece pictured above, has come up with a handgun that negates that old story. On a hunt he was on not long ago, he apparently was sitting at the campfire when a rather large brown bear came to call, at speed. He managed to clear his sidearm and fire, dropping the charging bear almost literally at his feet.

I don't own this one, but Gary very kindly lent it to me when I was doing research for a novel a couple years back. It's passing expensive, but extremely well-made, and if you are looking for Thor's Hammer, this is the piece you want. Check out his page:

Reeder's Custom Guns


  1. Dang! It looks like you could launch a space shuttle with that thing!

  2. How did you keep the front sight out of your forehead when you fired that thing? Seriously, it looks like a monster, and the cartridge you showed us was huge.
