Monday, December 04, 2006

New Blog

My old buddy Mike Byers, an expert artisan who works primarily in glass, but also in assorted sculpture media, has put up a blog. Check it out.

If you like the image above, you might find some of his other artworks would interest you. I have a few of his pieces -- a stained glass version of Dirisha Zuri, from the Matador books; and some fused glass panels, one of which is on the brick wall just behind me in the picture of me 'n' the grandsons with guns, posted here just after Thanksgiving.


  1. Boy, When Todd sees this he will break out in a sweat.

  2. Nah, he prefers flesh and blood frogs. (Oops, did I say that out loud?)

  3. Yeah, but look at the scale on this sucker -- see that thirty-gallon gargage can behind it?

  4. "Gargage" can? What's that, Steve?

    Obviously I meant "garage can ..."

  5. I don't know. No warts. No poisonous slime. She's cute, but I like my frogs a little more natural.

  6. The links are a little messed up; each has a superfluous http// after the proper http://.

  7. Dunno what happened to the links. Seem to be working now.

    Thanks for the heads-up.
