Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgunning Day

With the two oldest of the five grandsons ...


  1. Let's see. Harry Potter and the .22 of plinking, a kid with good trigger discipline and some old hippie with a Tommy gun. Cute picture.

  2. Yeah, I have to remind them to keep fingers off triggers until ready to shoot. Next dry weekend, we're going out to the range to do a little plinking.

    The tommygun is, alas, Auto-Ordinance's semi-auto only -- between the license fees and the cost of the hardware itself, I can't afford the real thing.

    Last time I looked, the Chicago Typewriter, circa 1921-28 in good condition, runs between eight and ten grand, if you can find somebody willing to turn one loose. A 50-round drum alone runs more than $500.

    You can get the military models a little cheaper, those with a twenty-round stick and the carbine-style grips (bolt on the side instead of the top.) Still talking about $4000-5000, though.)

  3. That pained wheezing sound you here is my testicles caught in a vise. 10K would go a long way towards residing the house.
