Wednesday, November 15, 2006

New T-shirt Logo

Now and then, I get a few cheap T-shirts and do iron-on logos, to pass out among the silat players in the Thursday class. This is the latest version. With this one, there are two things slightly different than earlier ones: I've dropped the silent "k" in "Sera," and added Maha Guru Plinck's name, to differentiate us from other branches of the art.

Henceforth, unless I am told otherwise by my teacher, this is what I'm calling what we do up there in Kelso ...


  1. Kewl!!!

    (and it's a good time for it)

    Guru Plinck does need something to make sure people understand that he is not part of that group of very crazy people, and it is way too easy to get tarred with that brush.

  2. Yeah, well, it's a unilateral move on my part, and it won't make any difference probably to anybody except those who already know that we aren't connected to Brother the Youngest, but every little bit helps ...
