Monday, August 14, 2006

May You Live in Interesting Times ...

Next hour or so, my daughter and son-in-law are arriving to drop off their two dogs for a few days -- they were supposed to go to the coast with her in-laws, but even though the in-laws had to cancel, they'd already reserved a room, and it's the only time my son-in-law can get off work.

A couple extra dogs are not so much, I can walk them in shifts; however, tomorrow morning early, our newest grandchild, Nate, is having open-heart surgery. Two months old, ten pounds, and a hole between the ventricles that can't wait any longer for repair.

All things going well, he'll be in the hospital a week or so, and my son and daughter-in-law will be going back and forth. T
here will be some shuttling about of the two older boys while Nate recovers and parents are away. The other grandparents have just arrived from England to help out -- and wasn't that a pleasant flight?-- not allowed to bring anything onboard save their ID, in plastic bags. I can' t even imagine flying nine or ten hours without three books and five magazines.

(Don't look now, but the terrorists are ahead on points; a handful of malcontents have dictated the way the world works. Goes back to the Cuban hijackers, then the Tylenol-poisoners, now the plane bombers. What you eat, where you go, how you get there. The future isn't nearly as shiny as it was supposed to be.)

Dogs, kids, hospital, in-laws,
work -- it appears that the Chinese curse has come to roost closer to home, for a few days, at least.

I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. We're praying for Nate. Get Todd to tell you the joke about the rabbi and the man whose house was too small.
