Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So, Why Blog?

That would be the question for me. I don't want to put up an online diary. I get plenty of exercise flexing my fingers already. There's a whole bunch of stuff I can stick into my fiction I don't need to expound on in a blog. Pay is way better.

So why come here?

Well, I can offer advice on a couple things I know a bit about. I can wax philosophical. I can (as I suspect a lot of professional writers do) use a blog to put off Real Work. And writers all know that Real Work consists of putting pages into a stack, or at least into a computer folder -- research, email, surfing the web, and blogging don't count.

So, that's what I see this as being, least for now. Maybe I can be be part of the solution and not part of the problem; maybe my experience, (as Bob Fosse has Ben Vereen say in "All that Jazz") "on the great stage of life" might be useful to somebody going down a road I've already traveled.

And -- let's be honest here -- sooner or later I want to do a non-fiction book that will probably consists of essays I've written. I have a bunch of those in files already, but if I put them up here, they get pre-read -- maybe -- and maybe some useful comments added. So maybe this is as much a book-in-progress as anything.


  1. And he steps on the slope. And he slides! He slides, ladies and gentlemen! Another victim of the Blog Bug!

  2. Yep. Of course, I do expect to mine the blog for book material some day, so I'm thinking of it like a working draft ...

  3. I find it to be a useful time-killer as well.
